Sunday, April 7, 2013

Blog Post 11

Skype Interview with Ms. Cassidy

Dr. Strange set up a Skype interview during one of his classes in the Spring of 2010. During the Skype interview with Ms. Cassidy, Dr. Strange asked her about using technology with her students and about how receptive and supportive her principles and co-workers were to the technology she was introducing to her students. Ms. Cassidy said that although not everyone had been completely supportive, no one has ever tried to stop her. Ms. Cassidy mentioned that not using technology handicaps your students and yourself.

When I first started this class (EDM310) I would have never imagined children blogging. Once I started exploring the world of blogging and technology my perspective began to change. I see it as a way to learn and interact with others from around the world. I have said from the beginning of my college journey that I wanted to teach first grade. I wondered if it would be possible for first graders to learn and benefit from the blogging world. Thanks to Ms. Cassidy I now have a new perspective on blogging in the first grade. I have definitely been inspired by what Ms. Cassidy is doing with her students. To sum up a comment from Ms. Cassidy in her interview with Dr. Strange, why write on paper for one to see when they can write on a blog for the world to see.

I'm sure I will encounter fellow teachers and principals along the way that may not be as open or perceptive to the idea of using a blog in the class room. I hope that I will have an opportunity to share with them some of the blogs and videos that we have seen this semester and possibly change their minds. I think most people are scared of things they don't know and Ms. Cassidy's class would be a perfect example to show how blogging and other technology can be useful in the classroom.


  1. Hi Chelsea! There were two phrases that caught both of our attention. One was that not using technology will handicap you and your students and the other was about writing a blog for the whole world to see. Technology is here now and will be the future and as a teacher that is what I want to prepare my students for...the now and the future. I can also relate to the comment about writing a blog because when you know that other people will be viewing it, you feel a little more pressure to write correctly and to attempt to make what you write interesting. I agree with and enjoyed reading your blog. Good luck with the rest of the semester!

  2. Hi Chelsea,

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts on Ms. Cassidy's Skype interview and what you got from the interview with her. Just like you my eyes have been open to using the world of technology in education. Before EDM 310 I never realized how useful it would become for education and how disadvantaged my students would be if I choose to not use these resources. I once had a professor that told our class that the things we know are much less scary than the unknown and that goes with what you said about technology being so scary to those who really do not know how to use it. I believe that having teacher workshops that condense the material in EDM would be great to introduce more teachers to all the resources out there.


  3. "When I first started this class (EDM310) I would have never imagined children blogging." Learning never ends!

    Thoughtful. Interesting.
