Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Blog Post 10

John T. Spencer's Cartoon

John Spencer forces observers to pause and compare the differences in a cost effective Papermate and a hip Ticonderoga pencil. The difference? A pencil, is a pencil. Each cartoon creation is one dimensional with no depth or inspiration to the imagination. You can attempt different techniques, but the outcome will be similar. Mr. Spencer is "drawing" attention to the limitations of inspiration and excitement when working with pencil and paper. Technology allows things to literally come to life before your eyes. It think I know which one I would rather learn from.

Why were your kids playing games?
A common problem addresses within Mr. Spencer's blog post is the fact that students are not being taught vital information in the appropriate ways. Instead of "burping back" information teachers need to realize the importance of thoroughly teaching students information from different perspectives. So that they are able to learn in their own style as well as internalize the information because they know more about it that the "right" answer or definition.
I particularly liked this post, he emphasis how people see things from different perspectives. One's definition of whats right or wrong is different from each individuals opinion on the topic being assessed. I think having an open mind to others opinions is vital to thrive in society. Not everyone sees things or thinks the same without having an open mind one may shut out something that could be beneficial to them. If information is not shared it is lost, if one does not have an open mind to others opinions that information that could have been obtained is also lost.

Don't teach your kids this stuff please?
In Scott McLeod blog post, he explains his point that teachers are not willing to open up and advance their lesson plans with technology in a sarcastic way. He explains how people are not willing to let their kids network and find new information because they are afraid of cyber bullying and predators. Even though other teachers are not prepared to challenge their students advancement, doesn't mean his not. I think teacher should be open and prepared for the changes that education makes. Without teachers having an open mind, students will not be prepared for their worldly challenge. It would be as if we were cheating them out of their education. I personally have to agree with McLeod's sarcasm because he basically explains how his students opportunities to be opening to something more has be open more widely. So, if other educators don't jump on the bandwagon and expand their students mind to the new profound world, their kids will be left behind.

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