Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Blog Post 12

For this post we are supposed to create our own blog assignment, and I have chosen to make mine about an awesome website called Pinterest. Pinterest is a social media site but don't compare it to Twitter or Facebook because they are very different. Pinterest is so much better! There are all types of categories to search when you login. There is arts and crafts of course, creative food recipes, funny video clips and images, workout plans, wedding ideas, photography pointers, cool classroom decorations or fun lesson plans, tips and hints on cars and motorcycles, I could go on forever! The social part about comes in when you like or re-pin something because it shows up on the boards of your followers, kind of like sharing.
The assignment I have come up with could be used in the high school or middle school level in a computer or English class. I believe that it would be beneficial in a computer class because it's fun and keeps the students learning more about how to maneuver around the internet and more complex websites. A English class could also gain something from this blog assignment because each student must write in good grammar, use proper sentence structure, and use their creative writing skills. It would serve as good writing practice as well as typing practice, which could be great for each class.

Pinterest Assignment:

1) Create an account.

2) Pick 5 different categories that interest you, and re-pin 3 objects or ideas in each category. - For clarification: within each of the 5 categories you choose you should re-pin 3 things, therefore you will end up with 15 pins on your board.

3) Out of the 15 pins choose your favorite 5 and write a blog post explaining why you chose these particular pins. - Questions to think about: How or will this benefit me? Could I see myself actually doing this project? What about this pin attracts me? Is this pin something I could use later on in life? Does this motivate you to start a new hobby or activity? How or could this affect other people?

4) Use proper grammar, sentence structure, and good transition words. Must be 5 paragraphs including an intro, 3 body paragraphs, and a conclusion. This is your chance to write about what you choose, so be bold, creative, and use your voice!

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Blog Post 11

Little Kids... Big Potential

The first graders in Mrs. Cassidy's class may be small, but they are full of potential. In the video Little Kids... Big Potential, we see just a bit of what these first graders are capable of. These young students are using blogs to learn how to write better and wikis to learn about traditions and rituals. They can watch videos online about the alphabet and Skype with other classrooms or even experts. They know how to access their class website to study math, reading, or other subjects. These kids may be small, but do not underestimate them

Skype Interview With Mrs. Cassidy

In the Skype interview with Mrs. Cassidy,Dr. Strange and the students of EDM310 address some important issues with Mrs. Cassidy. Mrs. Cassidy is a first grade teacher in Canada that definitely believes in using technology in the classroom. Mrs. Cassidy believes that we cannot teach with the same tools that worked twenty, ten, or even five years ago because the world has changed. Technology has so many incredible tools to offer our students. She states that, "you are handicapping your students by not taking advantage of the tools." Mrs. Cassidy believes that technology is not going away and that these days "kids and technology go hand in hand."
Mrs. Cassidy has great ideas of ways to use technology in the classroom. One thing that I really enjoyed was her classroom website. On this website the students can find many useful links. From this website they can go to different learning pages, they can play educational games, they can watch videos the teacher posted, and they can even find links to their blogs. I really like the idea of a classroom website because it can act as a guide for the kids. I also would like for my students to be able to blog as well. I think it is a great opportunity for them to see their progress throughout the year.

Although the administration at Mrs. Cassidy's school has never been super encouraging of her using technology, they have never been discouraging either. She does have great support from the technology coordinator though. One thing that I worry may be hindrance for teachers trying to incorporate technology in the classroom is the administration. Some can be really supportive, but it seems some administration is not quite on board yet. It may be a tough battle to get technology into some classrooms, but it is well worth the fight.

Special Assignment

A World Where Grades Will Be Lifted
This entire article is based around revolutionizing education. "A single class might enroll tens, if not hundreds, of thousands of students, but "there will be no more one-size-fits-all," Thrun says. "Education will respond to you." Grades will no longer exist. Sebastian Thrun describes grades as the "the failure of the education system". In this type of education system students will learn at their own pace and take as much time as they need to master a certain skill. Thrun taught an online artificial-intelligence class with over 160,000 students. The aim of this type of system is to make online education cheap, and as affordable as a cell phone bill. "Instruction will be free, but related services might involve a fee. Among those are certification and exams, which will be conducted separately from the learning process." Thrun explains that his aim is not to take over traditional education. He explains it with such that traditional education is to theater as online education is to film. Film did not end the theater. Film replicated theater into its own being and made it available for a wider audience, which is his aim for revolutionizing education.

One section of this article that I enjoyed reading about was a metaphor Professor Thrun discussed about choosing a blue pill or a red pill, in terms of education. If you choose the blue pill, you return to class and lecture to students but if you decide to take a gamble and choose the red pill, you see your class in a new light and make some changes to your class. Overall, this article has given me a new outlook on what the future holds for educators.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Blog Post 10

John T. Spencer's Cartoon

John Spencer forces observers to pause and compare the differences in a cost effective Papermate and a hip Ticonderoga pencil. The difference? A pencil, is a pencil. Each cartoon creation is one dimensional with no depth or inspiration to the imagination. You can attempt different techniques, but the outcome will be similar. Mr. Spencer is "drawing" attention to the limitations of inspiration and excitement when working with pencil and paper. Technology allows things to literally come to life before your eyes. It think I know which one I would rather learn from.

Why were your kids playing games?
A common problem addresses within Mr. Spencer's blog post is the fact that students are not being taught vital information in the appropriate ways. Instead of "burping back" information teachers need to realize the importance of thoroughly teaching students information from different perspectives. So that they are able to learn in their own style as well as internalize the information because they know more about it that the "right" answer or definition.
I particularly liked this post, he emphasis how people see things from different perspectives. One's definition of whats right or wrong is different from each individuals opinion on the topic being assessed. I think having an open mind to others opinions is vital to thrive in society. Not everyone sees things or thinks the same without having an open mind one may shut out something that could be beneficial to them. If information is not shared it is lost, if one does not have an open mind to others opinions that information that could have been obtained is also lost.

Don't teach your kids this stuff please?
In Scott McLeod blog post, he explains his point that teachers are not willing to open up and advance their lesson plans with technology in a sarcastic way. He explains how people are not willing to let their kids network and find new information because they are afraid of cyber bullying and predators. Even though other teachers are not prepared to challenge their students advancement, doesn't mean his not. I think teacher should be open and prepared for the changes that education makes. Without teachers having an open mind, students will not be prepared for their worldly challenge. It would be as if we were cheating them out of their education. I personally have to agree with McLeod's sarcasm because he basically explains how his students opportunities to be opening to something more has be open more widely. So, if other educators don't jump on the bandwagon and expand their students mind to the new profound world, their kids will be left behind.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Blog Post 9

What I have learned this year (2008-2009)

I wanted to read Mr.McClung's first year (2008-2009) and third year (2010-2011) to see if his attitude and teaching strategies have changed any.

When Mr. McClung first started out he was so worried and caught up in pleasing his superiors he lost touch with his audience. Mr. McClung felt like he was trying to control things way too much. I can see how this would happen on your first year as a teacher. He would beat himself up over activities that did not go well. He needed to get over that and I feel the same way. We are all human and not everything is always gonna go as planned.
He also states how communication is key. I strongly agree with him on this. Communication is the best way to learn, solve, and respond to an issue in the workplace. He also mentions "don't be afraid of technology." We as EDM students have learned how technology can help you as a teacher. Don't be afraid of it, it is our friend. Lastly, never stop learning. It is never to late to change something. Students deserve the best we can give them.

What I have learned this year (2010-2011)

I really loved Mr. McClungs statement about we are here for the kids. Don't get caught up in any other drama at the school. Focus on what you are there for, the kids. Students should always be the primary focus. Even though administration is important you are there to serve and teach the kids. Mr. McClung is an optimist and tries to maintain a positive attitude when it comes to things such as change. I really think this is important. Change is not always a bad thing. Change is good. I hope I am just as optimistic as him. Mr. McClung states "don't be afraid to be an outsider". That is something that I am afraid of. I am not saying I want to be in others business and drama. I surely don't want that, I just want to feel welcomed and not have to worry about not fitting in. I think it is important to have good relationships with other co-workers. I really enjoyed reading his post and hope I have the same look on teaching as he does.

Blog Post 8

This is How We Dream
In the video This is How We Dream Part 1 Dr. Richard E Miller talks about "writing with media." He talks about how students, and other writers, can publish documents using a form of media and a written publication.
I think this is a great concept to use not only in classroom but in everyday life, even with very young kids. Kids today know so much about technology because they have a Iphone, Ipad and Ipod it amazes me everyday. In the video, Dr. Miller talks about a media publication he did, and if he would have printed the same information and had it published, it would take over two years for the information to be made public. With this type of media publication, the information is made public immediately.
He talks about two different types of changes that have come from technology: Incremental and fundamental change. Incremental being the change of notebooks and pencils to laptops. Everything that you use to communicate is on your laptop or smart phone. Fundamental is the advances of technology. He talks about ideas being shared and not becoming individual property. I really liked that, ideas should be passed on not kept to yourself.

Carly Pugh's Blog Post
Carly is a great writer and has a lot of tallent. I loved reading this post because you could just feel the excitement for this project through her words and the way she wrote it. I like the idea of having and understanding just what you want your teaching philosophy to be and how you want to teach. I love the inspirational videos that she found. She did a great job coming up with this idea. It really got me to thinking about just what I want to bring to the table as a teacher. I want to inspire my students in a positive way. She seemed to really understand just what EDM 310 can do to help us as future teachers.

EDM 310 is different

I watched both of these videos, The Chipper Series, and EDM310 for Dummies, at the beginning of the semester when Dr. Strange suggested them hoping that they would prepare myself for the class that I was about to endure. I was nervous/terrified/stressed/eager all together for the first 2 weeks. Needless to say, I was a complete wreck. Both of these videos are absolutely hilarious. The EDM310 for Dummies offered a great deal of relief. Obviously other students had made it out of this class alive, so I knew I could do it. I have felt just like these students. Ripping the keyboard out of the computer and throwing things have crossed my mind. After making it through the first half of this class, I am no longer a complete wreck because I have my own schedule and can do assignments at my own pace. I have learned that I was a huge procrastinator and I have learned what the term “time management” actually means. I wish I had taken this class as a freshman; I would probably have done better in some of my other classes.
The Chipper Series was also great. Chipper is a normal college student who thinks that teachers should plan around her schedule. After being fired from every job possible she decides to go back to school. I believe I would have given up and returned to school sooner than she did. I remember freshman year, even this past semester, thinking, “this teacher must think their class is the only class I am taking and that I do not have a personal life”. Yes, this class can be stressful if you get behind but it is also a wonderful class, in that, you learn much more than just the same ole “textbook material”; you acquire knowledge that will be useful for the rest of your life.
The video that I would make for future students is How to Use Collaboration. Collaboration is a major part for group projects in this class. In this video I would show a group for 4 students that included someone who was not a “team player”. The plot would show all of the students working together to make a podcast with the “outcast" member playing on the phone and not paying attention while the others worked hard on their project. I would show how to use Google Docs, texting, email, and twitter for meeting times and other important shared information. The “outcast” member would not pay attention to any of the information being sent to them, further omitting them from the important project. In the end, the student would learn how to use all of the advances suggested and learn how to be a “team player”.

Learn to Change, Change to Learn
In the video learn to change, change to learn it showed experienced educators discussing how much education has changed. Whether we like to admit it, change in education is necessary. Children need to be taught more about technology and social media networks because that is all that is around them. If they are not taught how to use social media networks and technology at school, they will have to learn it elsewhere. Isn't the purpose of going to school to learn? Children should not have to learn elsewhere, technology and social media should be incorporated into school so they will be prepared for the "real world" when they complete school. One of the teachers on the video said that kids are getting a more stimulating experience outside of school than they are at school. This should not be the case, but unfortunately it is in so many circumstances. By bringing social media networks and other technology to school, children will learn so much more and have a stimulating experience inside of the classroom. When I become a teacher, I want my students to enjoy learning and I want to encourage them to be creative and have fun.

Scavenger Hunt
This assignment was suggested by Justin Cometti in the fall semester of 2011 in EDM 310 at the University of South Alabama. Like mentioned previously in this post, he also had to come up with an assignment, like Carly's. Justin came up with the Scavenger Hunt 2.0 . In this assignment, we were given 5 things to look for, but were to only choose 3 assignments to do on our post.
I first, located Edmodo.com . It is a website that is much like Twitter or Facebook, but for students and teachers to interact with one another. This is a great tool for the classroom. It is a space where students and teachers can communicate back and forth. It is especially useful for parents, too. The parents will be able to see some, if not most, of the work performed by their children online.

I created a poll at pollyeverywhere.com